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I put $50 into adwords.
I put $50 into adwords.

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Mar 31st - 04:12
... it was a trial coupon thing. xP We'll see how it goes.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Frank Lux
"Hello Motto"
Posts: 167
Frank Lux's avatar
03/31/2009 16:25
I have the same coupon for my site...too bad I'm under 18.

Let's hope it really works out!

Screw this, I'm going a-back to Italia!
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/31/2009 18:25

Frank Lux said:

I have the same coupon for my site...too bad I'm under 18.

Let's hope it really works out!

Dude use it for monbre.

lol xP

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
03/31/2009 20:32
"Hey, you're not using that $50? I could use it. I mean, if you want..."

That being said, you're not using it... XD

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024