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help with traveling
help with traveling

Tj Garder
"Hello, everyone!"
Posts: 1

08/30/2011 06:13
So hello i am new and i need help with traveling. When i am on the road when I look at where to go all i get is a bunch of numbers but none of the links say east or west so i can only use my gps to tell me approximately where to go. Can anyone tell me if i am missing something? I don't understand this traveling system at all. I use a screen reader.

Garr Slayer
"It's a good day."
Posts: 702
Garr Slayer's avatar
08/30/2011 08:50
It's simple and you're not missing much.
While traveling you'll want the NumLock on. 5 will refresh your current location while the other numbers will take you in the direction of their position.
4 is west, 8 is north, and 7 is northwest.
The attacks in battle will respond to numbers starting with normal on 1.
Enjoy the game!

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