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Suggestions and Bugs

StatusTitleCreatorRepliesLast Post
Stickied!ATTENTION: If you have a game-breaking bug, please mail me! Vael Victus 0Mon 8th of Mar 19:28
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug, Guild Raid stuck on raid 19
Drake Kard 02024-03-11 09:30
by Drake Kard
New posts since last visit!3 bugs, sounds, Skill Tree and PVP
Drake Kard 02024-03-06 10:37
by Drake Kard
New posts since last visit!Losing skills when adding after splice
Crimson Avenger 62020-09-02 20:49
by Crimson Avenger
New posts since last visit!Bug? C-power in town and exploring
Mogu Digger 12020-07-05 15:56
by Mogu Digger
New posts since last visit!Bug: evolved to child at 71% and 5 days old
Crimson Avenger 22020-06-23 21:11
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Bug: severity replaced hour and coordinates moved +3 e, -1 s
Garr Slayer 12020-05-27 12:01
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Bug: PVP resolved, unresolved, and decline battles
Garr Slayer 02020-05-10 13:26
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Suggestion: more headings for accessibility
Garr Slayer 22020-04-07 01:58
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Bug: miscalculations and other stuff with splicing
Garr Slayer 1Sun 29th of Mar 20:22
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug: after sending monster to work or explore it stays tired
Crimson Avenger 1Sat 28th of Mar 22:56
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug: "battle hardened", exploring "run", and mob ability
Garr Slayer 52019-09-18 20:22
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Bug, where are these mobs and switching KOed monsters
Garr Slayer 02019-09-08 17:48
by Garr Slayer
New posts since last visit!Bug, never too strong for SRP and 5th monster
Garr Slayer 6Tue 27th of Aug 16:22
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug, get error message in lab when confirming
Garr Slayer 2Tue 6th of Aug 14:00
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug: Frost Elemental Core
Garr Slayer 1Tue 5th of Mar 22:58
by Vael Victus
Locked!Bug, HP, Energy, Refreshing Blows, and Fall and deliver
Crimson Avenger 2Fri 28th of Dec 16:32
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug, think prob with Eagle Eye, kills, and mail
Garr Slayer 12018-06-14 20:31
by Crimson Avenger
New posts since last visit!Hi all I cant find out how to hatch my monster
Talgon Relison 1Sat 21st of Oct 08:42
by Vael Victus
New posts since last visit!Bug-Maybe-Raiding
Sledge Wielder 02017-02-17 19:49
by Sledge Wielder
New posts since last visit!Suggestions about grinding
Ekitrina Desilfind 7Mon 4th of Nov 09:25
by Ekitrina Desilfind
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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024