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Destiny Stanley
"I'm chasing my destiny as a br"
Posts: 4
Destiny Stanley's avatar
03/01/2012 10:33
I have been training my monster all day so that she could get to level 16, because I thought that monsters become children at that level. Am I incorrect? If so, can someone please tell me what the correct level is. Thank you for your time.

Garr Slayer
"It's a good day."
Posts: 702
Garr Slayer's avatar
03/02/2012 22:30
Toddler at level 10
child at level 50
Teenager at level 150
adult at level 250

When life hands you a lemon, it's up to you what to do with it. Half of anything is better then a whole of nothing.

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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024