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Destiny Stanley
"I'm chasing my destiny as a br"
Posts: 4
Destiny Stanley's avatar
03/26/2012 22:21
Can anyone tell me what the point of auto-heal is? I was exploring this morning, and my monster finished a battle with 10 HP left. I turned auto-heal on, but my monster's health stayed thesame. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you for your answer.

Garr Slayer
"It's a good day."
Posts: 702
Garr Slayer's avatar
03/27/2012 09:41
That works when you get to town after exploring.
When you enter the town your monsters get healed without havig to manualy go to the hospital.
And I think, due to a bug, you get healed for free.

When life hands you a lemon, it's up to you what to do with it. Half of anything is better then a whole of nothing.

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