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I take it back. Post as many shitfuck topics as you please.
I take it back. Post as many shitfuck topics as you please.

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Aug 11th - 17:04:28 PM
Vael Victus �˛__��: No one knows yourself more than me and you do.
Kelton Smith: >.<
Kelton Smith: Wut?
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: What, didn't you hear?
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: This is all a figment of your imagination.
Kelton Smith wakes up
Kelton Smith: OH DAMN!
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: MonBre doesn't exist.
Kelton Smith checks the site
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: It's actually a gay donkey porn website.
Kelton Smith: Hmmmm
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: Your monsters have just been donkeys.
Kelton Smith: I have awesome imagination
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: The mobs have been cocks.
Kelton Smith: I HAVE seen the pope... Hmmmm
Kelton Smith: You may be on to somethng
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: Your "bux" was actually just the welfare given to you to keep you alive.
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: Your "penis" is actually only three inches long.
Kelton Smith: :o
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: You need to take a "shower".
Vael Victus �&amp;#731;__��: You will amount to "nothing" in life.
Kelton Smith: When did my wiener get bigger? :o

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Sledge Wielder
"Go Reapers!"
Posts: 374
Sledge Wielder's avatar
Aug 11th - 20:22:09 PM
lol if you ever want this thing to get big and make tons of cash, you're going to have to put a disclaimer page in front of any entrance to the site so that it warns off small children and sensitive pussies who will get offended by vulgarity and foul language and unscheduled flatulance.

If everything's right, what's left?
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Aug 12th - 07:39:37 AM
Or just warn them away from the forum...

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Aug 12th - 09:41:48 AM
Yeah, it's pretty much just the forum that is like this. Maybe if I get rich and famous one day I will. ~*~*~

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Aug 13th - 05:44:51 AM
Anything could happen


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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024