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What is your ideal monster breeding game?
What is your ideal monster breeding game?

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
06/17/2020 09:43
What draws you into MonBre? What has kept you playing? What does your dream game look like?

I think developing a sequel to MonBre is an inevitability in my life. Whether it's three years, five, or ten. I doubt it will have traditional monsters as we know them, but rather spirits or ghosts that you can breed and combine.

So let me know! What is Pokemon missing, for you? Did any of the Monster Ranchers or the Digimon Worlds not quite hit the mark for you?

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Mogu Digger
"Hello, everyone!"
Posts: 11
Mogu Digger's avatar
06/17/2020 18:10
Tough one, let's see...
The quests were good but obviously there are no more to be here for. At first it was a reason.
Raising and splicing is fun and pve too but, I do that to stay in the top of pvp.
So, even though I'm coming back to be the strongest it wouldn't be fun without the rest.
I also like all the abilities and getting a chimera in the end.


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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024