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some question...
some question...

Muriel Omnicore
"Hello, everyone!"
Posts: 7
Muriel Omnicore's avatar
Mar 20th - 09:02
about money:
1. when i go to employment agency, it said "my monster is ready for a day of exploring and thus isn't ready to work", thus i can't get my money...
how can i get my monster to workk???
2. is working the only way to get money, or there are other methods?
about training :
1. is there any other training beside than hitting the targets??(that offers more SRP of course)
2. where is the best place to get huge srp??? (fighting what enemy??)
about the trainer lvl :
1. how do you raise your trainer experience fast??
mine stops at 1000xp
about the game :
i've been playing the game from yesterday, here is my progress...
- hatching the first monster and train it in training center
- finished the moon quest and get a beef(???)
- finished the goo quest and get an equip(not too shabby)
- can't finish the mailmon quest because i cant work my monster out...
- can't go to gloria because i don't have money because icant work my monster out
- (is there something i miss, a quest or something?)
what should i do next ??
- the only possible options i can do right now is probably leveling the monster(which is a little bit boring because it lacks variation or somethin(no offense))

i admit that, i haven't read the reference thoroughly, but i just can't stand it...

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/20/2009 21:23
All you really have to read in the reference is the condensed reference.

Your monster will be able to work at midnight tonight. It resets every night. If you work out, the monster will be tired and won't be able to explore. There's actually a newbie guide in this very forum at

Anyway, you're going to want to upgrade your barn at the realtor and get a second monster, a working type is suggested. You at this point will be pretty much using the one worker monster to farm money, and your other monster to fight and get you to other cities.

You can also find equips off mobs in the world and you can sell those, but you should probably equip them if you find them.

Trainer experience will be raised quickly by buying a house and finishing quests.

The best place to get SRP is while exploring.

Training center is pretty boring, but it wasn't exactly designed to be the most involving. Just to allow people to get an idea of how to fight, and get the monster strong.

Oh and your monster loses one tiredness every 6 hours, on the 6-12-18-24 hour marks.

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Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/20/2009 22:04
Working is pretty much the best way to get money, unless you really spend a long time out exploring and hunting items.

Exploring and fighting monsters equal to your level is the best way to gain SRP, just be careful you don't upgrade too much and start gaining half SRP from the enemies.

The best thing about the training center is that you can fight there after working with your monster, so you can gain money and some SRP if you feel like spending a bit of time. It helps a lot more in the beginning than it does later on, but then again one-hit KO'ing the targets can make it go by pretty quickly.

Do you get trainer experience every night, too? I think it said that in the reference, but I haven't been checking to see if it does. Aside from that, what Vael said about upgrading your house/barn and doing quests.

The beef is for a little "quest chain" of sorts, someone else will give you an item in exchange for that beef, and then you'll bring that item to someone else, etc...

You probably shouldn't try to fight Gloria yet, unless you've been training hardcore. I got the moonstone thing and the 500 TP equipment, mostly on one monster, and still couldn't beat her with one monster, so you've probably got bigger priorities right now.

Having more monsters makes everything easier, so keep that in mind when deciding what to spend your money on. And aside from that, a bigger house increases your mood, which gives a small boost to your stats, so that's good too.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

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